Archive for August, 2014

August 28, 2014

The medics decided today that The Lion doesn’t have colon cancer. To hear the sound of a joyous world cheering, click here.

Thus, more time to rage, to enrage, to enlighten, to enheavy, to annoy. Poor world!


Heat Rises? Not All The Time.
August 27, 2014

Where’d the heat go is what all the global warming deniers want to know. But of course it doesn’t matter that actual research shows where it went (and indicates that it will be coming back relatively soon), not to deniers. They have opinions. Their opinions are just like facts, except that they’re a lot easier to get to because the deniers don’t have to do any messy research and investigation and actual thinking. It’s true just because they say so. Yup. They’re real frigging geniuses.

Yeah. Tiresome, aren’t they, the jabberers?
