American Terror

May 20, 2005 NJ

Officials in New Jersey arrest two men they say asked a police informant to build them a bomb. Craig Orler, who has a history of burglary arrests, and Gabriel Carafa, said to be a leader of the neo-Nazi World Church of the Creator and a member of a racist Skinhead group called The Hated, are charged with illegally selling 11 guns to police informants. Carafa gave one informant 60 pounds of urea to use in building him a bomb, but never said what the bomb was for. Police say they moved in before the alleged bombing plot developed further because they were concerned about the pair’s activities. They taped Orler saying in a phone call that he was seeking people in Europe to help him go underground. Orler is sentenced to more than 10 years in prison, while Carafa draws seven.

The Second Wave: Return of the Militias
Southern Poverty Law Center Special Report

5 Responses

  1. This stuff is NEVER, never, ever reported unless someone dies (abortion docs, Oklahoma City). But everyone removed from an airplane if page one news. As if these seperatists, supremacists, neo Nazis, christian radicals pose no threat.

    And if the SCPLC gets mentioned at all it’s usually with a chuckle.


    • Yeah, did ya notice me chuckling everytime I post one of these?


      • If by ‘chuckling’, you mean weeping . . .


        • That’s it… my eyes just chuckle streams of tears.


  2. I suspect the reason we seldom hear about these busts is that they’re considered local, meriting only local press. The national media thinks these guys are just local crackpots – which to some extent is true – but there are an awful lot of organized crackpots running around in the woods with guns and gathering in basements to give straight-arm salutes to Hitler and Jesus. We need to stop worrying about Afghanistan’s civil war and start dealing with this crap in our own yard.


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