Don’t Tax Those Poor Rich People

Didja hear the latest reason the elite pols and their mouthpieces are giving for not letting the Bush tax cuts for the rich lapse? It’s been dribbling loudly from Republican mouths for a little while now (decades really), and this morning frothed forth from the thin lips of Senator Evan Bayh, Democrat from Indiana.

Don’t tax the rich, because they give you jobs.

Think about that. In one fell phrase our politicians have elevated rich people to the status of princes and priests. They don’t have to contribute anymore, or any more, to the common good that in fact made it possible for them to get rich.

Since the tax being discussed is the income tax, perhaps for the slower citizens out there we might note that we’re talking about taxing the personal income of these parasites who make their money off the sweat and blood of working people. We’re not talking about taxing their businesses, which is where the hiring is done and paid for. The Republicans and their shills at Fox and elsewhere (Limbaugh, Beck, et al) are conflating personal and business taxes because they believe you are too damn stupid to figure out their shell game. (Given what the political landscape looks like these days, The Lion tends to think they may be right.)

And we’re only talking about a four-point rise in income tax, from 35% to 39%.

Wow, that’s really gonna devastate your average millionaire’s take-home, isn’t it?

Think about it. The economy is in the toilet, largely due to Republican tax cuts for the wealthy and to massive and wasteful Republican spending over the last decade and to Republicans letting their wealthy friends steal every penny that wasn’t nailed down’; in fact, the Republicans, with the help of some pathetic Democrats, have been pulling out the nails as fast as they can. And here we have the Republicans, and conservative, spineless Democrats, down on their knees, mouths open, in front of the obscenely wealthy Koch brothers and their ilk who are out to destroy the United States as a functioning, law-based representative republic by undermining the processes of democracy with their wealth, because they don’t have enough of your money yet.

Those people are saying, in effect, “Don’t tax those rich people. They give us our jobs as Senators and Representatives.”

Yeah, so maybe it is all about jobs, eh, guys?


3 Responses

  1. Exactly.

    Senator Evan Bayh is helping by defending his aristocracy. The rest of us slobs are just too dumb to get it. 🙄


  2. Those people are saying, in effect, “Don’t tax those rich people. They give us our jobs as Senators and Representatives.”

    Yeah, so maybe it is all about jobs, eh, guys?

    Sshhhh! You weren’t supposed to figure that out.


    • It’s the curse of intelligence!


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