A Must Read Column From David Michael Green

Hop on over to Common Dreams to read the full column. Green offers a brutal assessment of political reality in America today. Here’s a sample from his long column:

Looking at the rhetoric the right throws in the direction of our president these days, questioning his very nationality (oh, did I mention that he’s black?), it’s easy to see that they‘ve gone completely over the line.  But what’s really out of control is what lies underneath this insanity generated for the consumption of an ignorant hoi polloi.  And what that is – what you see when you move the slime-infested rock away – is an unfathomably monstrous greed.  Watching these folks in action, you could easily get the impression that they had been impoverished their whole lives.  That they had been denied everything, right down to food and water.  That they had been deprived through poverty especially of their dignity.  You know, like the real poor people of this world, the forty or fifty percent of the Earth’s population that survives on less than two dollars per day.  Those folks. 

Instead, we are talking about people who are already fantastically rich.  And who, despite this, are absolutely hell-bent on getting richer, even if that means depriving hundreds of millions of people in the American middle class of their middle classness, and in many cases, ultimately of their lives.  How do we explain people like this?  Are they not essentially sociopathic?  Are they not made of essentially the same stuff as those who can kill without guilt or remorse?  Especially when you consider that even the greediest among us reach a limit beyond which one can effectively make use of the next dollar and the one beyond that, so that pushing others into poverty is no longer even for purposes of your own benefit, but instead for some kind of sick sport?  Aren’t these the characters whose essential sickness preachers and philosophers and shrinks have been trying to sort out for millennia? 


13 Responses

  1. pushing others into poverty is no longer even for purposes of your own benefit, but instead for some kind of sick sport

    Great article…and this quote nails it.


  2. I’m now depressed. Where’s my Paxil.


    • Paxil, hell! This calls for real medicine. Whiskey! Neat!


      • Paxil smells better. I’m just saying. 😀


        • Alright then, strong revolutionary coffee all around, and hold the sugar!


          • 😆 You can have whiskey. It’s a well known fact I have issues. I’ll pop the Paxils. 😆


            • That’s cool. The Revolution has a big tent. Full of mind adjusting substances.


  3. The Revolution has a big tent. Full of mind adjusting substances.

    I hope you have something better than the LSD trip we’ve been on the last 10 years.


    • I wish I had an answer in a pill. All I’ve got is a headache. Probably because I’m having thoughts I need to work out.


  4. Thanks for posting this – it summarizes my own thoughts quite well. I started a huge firestorm over on my blog yesterday by suggesting that Glen Beck – the oh-so-noble Sir Glen the Honorable – falls into the category of people you are describing. The sad thing is all I suspect all of the people rushing to Beck’s defense make far far far less money than he does and do not serve to benefit from the policies he is advocating.

    Did you happen to see this in The New Yorker? Amazing, and frightening stuff. The worst part is, I see no way to effectively fight it, especially after Citizens United…



    • I printed that out after skimming it a few days ago. I have yet to read all the gory details, but I’m pretty sure that the Koch boys should be fodder for Sharron Angle’s Second Amendment solutions and the world would be a better place. Maybe whoever implements Angle’s SA plans could be persuaded to include her. Gotta love irony!

      The rich people get the laws they want that unfetter them from decency and justice and the law, and in time they leave their millions of victims with no other recourse than to storm their mansions and their fancy offices and their limousines and beat them to death with whatever is handy. And then things get vicious…


      • they leave their millions of victims with no other recourse than to storm their mansions and their fancy offices and their limousines and beat them to death with whatever is handy. And then things get vicious…

        Yeah – I suspect beating to death will have to be the option because it is the conservatives who own all the guns….



        • We’ll just have to remember to raid the gun lockers before we leave their house/office/limousine.

          On the other hand, maybe we could just torture them (it’s legal now, apparently, or at least no penalty attaches) by tying them up and reading them liberal Supreme Court opinions until they croak from the agony. Maybe get a power of attorney for all their holdings before they croak.

          After all, we’re progressives. We’re supposed to be creative.


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