Sabbatical, Shammatical!

The Lion can’t stand not writing. He gets depressed. He gets irritable. He says strange things to his cats. He mixes vermouth with brandy. He goes outside and kicks baby dandelions. He barely looks at women.

Therefore The Lion will resume, not out of altruism or a desire to change the world, but simply to save his sanity, to preserve his good will, to maintain his saintliness (hey, is Joey Ratz listening?), and to shower the world with his wit, wisdom, charm, intellect, and sunglassed stare.

What’s not to like?

Sabbatical? Over!


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12 Responses

  1. I know the feeling. I get stir-crazy whenever I’m without a laptop for more than a day.

    I just found your site, but am happy I can look forward to new writing.

    From the looks of it, though, you never exactly went on sabbatical.


  2. Well, Ric, if you go pick up your “E” award from chappy and you add it to “Shammatical” and then you anagram the letters, you wind up with:

    A calm atheism.

    But that doesn’t really describe your style even a little bit, does it? So I guess there’s no god after all.


  3. Ex –

    You’re pretty bored today, huh? 🙂


  4. Welcome back from what may be the shortest sabbaticalizationism ever.


  5. Merc –

    I flunked sabbatical in nursery school, too. Or they wouldn’t let me out.


  6. () –

    Thank you, stranger.


  7. ummm. . . . That’s Ranger, thank you very much.


  8. You’re pretty bored today, huh?
    Never at this blog, buddy.


  9. () –

    Is that Ranger as in ‘Get me a latte, Tonto!’ Or Ranger as in ‘My SUV’s got bigger pistons than yours.’ Or Ranger as in ‘De Broons can take out the Rangeahs with bot eyes closed!’

    Did you sort out the cigar and the scotch yet? I sensed some confusion…



  10. Ex –

    I’ll take that as a compliment.

    Hmmm, maybe I could sell subscriptions and make an honest living…



  11. Ric: Ranger as in Yogi the Bear and BooBoo and Ranger Smith.

    The only time I get confused is if I drink too much scotch. Well, maybe other times as well. Maybe lots of other times. I get confused a lot. I need a drink. Ahhhhhhh. Scotch.


  12. I see… here, let me recommend a specialist. (Actually I used to be a bartender, but I never listen to anyone anymore.)


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